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Lyndsay's Chunky Banana Pancake Recipe

Lyndsay's Chunky Banana Pancake Recipe

A good breakfast is key in starting the day right! Did you know eating breakfast will allow you to focus and concentrate better throughout the day?

Our Founder, Lyndsay’s healthy but delicious breakfast go-to is homemade chunky banana pancakes and lucky for us, she has shared her very own recipe for us to try.

Tag us in your attempts, we would love to see! @lcoutureofficial

You'll need
  • 50 grams of oats 
  • 10 grams of coconut flour 
  • 1 banana
  • 1 full egg 2 egg whites 
  • 1 tea spoon of baking soda 
  • 2 tea spoons of any syrup (sugar free if you are being good)
  • A sprinkle of cinnamon 
  • 1/3 cup of almond milk or milk of your choice
  • Low sugar chocolate spread
  • Natural sweetener
  • Strawberries and extra banana to garnish
  • Pre heat your pan (low heat)
  • Blend oats, coconut flour, eggs, baking soda, cinnamon, milk and syrup together in a blender 
  • Chop banana in to small cubes add to mixture
  • Add to pan making two chunky pancakes from the mixture
  • Fry for a few minutes on each side until cooked through
  • Once pancakes are cooked through, remove from heat and plate up
  • Add 20 grams of low sugar chocolate spread and sprinkle natural sweetener on top
  • You can also serve with low fat Greek yogurt and garnish with strawberries, banana or both


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