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Astrology with LC

Astrology with LC

Candice Young

Astrologer, Moon-lover and empowerment coach. Her passion is helping people discover their purpose and unique blueprint through their birth chart. We are slowly coming back to the wisdom of the cosmos as a guide for life.

Follow @ninthouseastrology on Instagram or email to book your birth chart reading and more.

Astrology for August

 It's summer, the temperatures are soaring, the solar flare activity is off the charts (check out NASA’s Instagram!) and we have just experienced the closest full moon of the year. Wowzers.

Well hold on, because the start of August sees one of the biggest astrological events of the year.

This summer and well into Autumn, we are in the last throes of the Saturn-Uranus square. This energy was at its height for much of 2021, but it’s back for its final ding dong. Between now and October, we have the final play off between the two titans.

There will be increased tension globally as Saturn in Aquarius looks to double down its measures and desires to maintain control. However, what is different from 2021, is now Uranus has a secret in its battle against 'old world order’. A powerful conjunction around 30th July that some of you may well already be feeling.

This rare and very unpredictable event sees Uranus meeting up with the North Node and Mars to shift us all up in some way or another. You may already be personally experiencing surprising changes in your life, especially if you have a strong Taurus or Scorpio placements in your chart!

The Nodal Axis (in the signs of Taurus / Scorpio for 18 months) represent our progression through ‘earth school’ and the collective themes we are learning here together.

Uranus is AWAKENING energy... linked to our Kundalini Rising, where we start to feel our power crackle and stir. If there is something significant you want to do or feel inexplicably that there is a change you want to make (perhaps up until now you have been worried you will be laughed at or misunderstood) NOW and all the way into late Autumn is your time! Hold steady to your personal power and remind yourself that all changes are coming for your deepest good.

We are all here to contribute a gift towards something greater and we will never be content until we do.

- Charles Eisenstein

(The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible)

Dates for August

July 28th – NEW MOON in Leo – This New Moon is conjunct Black Moon Lilith and square Jupiter in Aries. She is not messing around! Time to set those intentions for the coming month - call in more love, demonstrate more love... dare to dig into your emotions.

August 4th – Mercury enters Virgo. Practical thinking becomes a focus. Make your holiday list, plan a fitness routine that makes you feel good just remember not to be overly self-critical. you are doing just fabulously.

August 9th – Venus opposite Pluto. This transit happens every year, watch out for feeling overwhelmed by emotions and instead allow the intensity and insights to show you the path to your own nurturing.

August 20th – Mars Enters Gemini – Watch for feeling scattered or feel like you are saying and doing too with too many people. The Sun is about to move in Virgo season, allow yourself some peace of mind.

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