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Astrology with LC

Astrology with LC

Candice Young

Astrologer, Moon-lover and empowerment coach. Her passion is helping people discover their purpose and unique
blueprint through their birth chart. We are slowly coming back to the wisdom of the cosmos as a guide for life.

Follow @ninthouseastrology on Instagram or email
candice@ninthhouseastro.com to book your birth chart reading and much much more.

Astrology for February 2023

From the end of January, we officially have ZERO major planets in retrograde until mid-April!! Hurrah indeed!

This really can be the Ford momentum we’ve been looking for and carrying all the way through to April now it’s the perfect time to get started on something you have been ruminating about but not necessarily feeling the impetus to start. This THE time, as a collective and as individuals to begin the year as we wanted!

On Saturday 5th we have a Leo Full Moon which is superb for calling in your creative powers and finding the courage for new ventures. Honour yourself in true Leo style by celebrating where you shine in this life it will be in more ways than you ever realized! Often, we just get so caught up in this business of being a grown-up we forget to show up and embrace the goddess within.

Mercury in Aquarius from Feb 11th supports the creative visionary energy, in Aquarius, the planet the rules communication, is officially out of the retrograde shadow period. This is a great time to look at new ways of doing things and bounce new ideas around within your likeminded tribe of people. Don’t forget to this is a great time to get a little weird and ‘out there’!

We can think of this February/Aquarius season as the collective inhale as we ready ourselves for a very busy March and April full of shifts forward and unexpected breakthroughs. This will be particularly significant for those of you with Capricorn, Aries, Libra and cancer dominance in your birth chart.

“Why fit in when you were born to stand out...??”

- Dr Suess

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